That Makes Them Our Enemy

NOTE: With the recent announcement of a fourth installment of The Matrix series in the works, as well as this year being the 20th anniversary of the original film, I thought it might be fun to dust off an old article I wrote on the topic of religious dogma within the trilogy. I hope you’ll enjoy! - Jess Since it was first released in 1999, The Matrix , directed by sisters Lilly and Lana Wachowski, has had a considerable impact on the wider popular culture, the consequences of which are still being felt twenty years later. Through its unique and ingenious blending of various religious motifs, cyberpunk staples, Japanese anime, a heavy reliance on the works of Joseph Campbell, as well as groundbreaking special effects that revolutionized the film industry, The Matrix has secured a place in history as not only an entertaining film, but one rife with theological depth and meaning. In addition, the subsequent sequels, The Matrix Reloaded and...